Even the difference of musical notes may be regarded as an example of what takes place in the process of measure the revulsion from what is at first merely quantitative into qualitative alteration. 音调的差别也可认为是尺度的变化过程中发生的,由最初单纯的量变到质变的转化过程的一个例证。
All these hint that not only the qualitative alteration to carcinosis of the stem cell is related to the malignant haematopoiesis but also the abnormal immune system. 这提示MDS异常造血不仅与造血干/祖细胞趋癌性质变有关,异常免疫系统在发病机制中也起重要作用。
Tbe change of fertility was a process of quantitative alteration to qualitative alteration. From Quantitative Change to Qualitative Change: on transformation from experience-based medicine to EBM 结果表明:育性转换是一个量变到质变的过程。从量变到质变&浅谈经验医学到循证医学的转变
The changes of the amount of p21~ ( ras) expression may play an important role in the course of qualitative alteration of colorectal adenoma to adenocarcinoma. p21~(ras)表达量的变化在大肠腺瘤向腺癌恶性转化的质变过程中可能具有重要作用。
The genesis and development of uterine cervix cancer is a procedure that become from quantitative change to qualitative alteration and from anamorphosis to mutation. 宫颈癌的发生、发展是一个由量变到质变,由渐变到突变的过程。
The quantitative and qualitative alteration in the litters caused by plant community changes is the main force that drives the changes in the microbial communities. 植被改变而引起的土壤中凋落物质和量的变化是微生物群落改变的主要驱动力。